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15th International Conference on Womens Health and Cancer Cure, will be organized around the theme “”
WOMENS HEALTH MEET 2025 is comprised of keynote and speakers sessions on latest cutting edge research designed to offer comprehensive global discussions that address current issues in WOMENS HEALTH MEET 2025
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It is used to describe a malignant tumour that originated from breast cells. Usually, the lobule cells are where breast cancer starts. It transfers the lobules' drain milk to the nipple. Breast cancer-related lumps can sometimes feel prickly but are usually painless. Compared to the right breast, the left breast is more susceptible to breast cancer. Some women experience pain or discomfort as a result of the changes in breast tissue brought on by different hormones throughout their periods. The most common type of obtrusive breast cancer in women is this one. A range of medical services, including as chemotherapy and radiation therapy, are available. Many breast protuberances are not cancerous and if any lady who is worried a change then she should consult to a specialist.
Now a day’s most of the women’s are facing this gynaecological condition, which causes a burning feeling during urine and is uncomfortable between menstrual cycles. Most of the women’s do not have a menstrual cycle every month. As a result, the majority of women experience pregnancy complications. So, whenever a girl reaches the age of 18 or begins to engage in sexual activity, she must see a doctor once a year for a checkup. If a woman experiences significant abdominal pain, terrible cramps, or copious bleeding during her periods. It is mostly concerned with obstetrics, pregnancy, and childbirth. Consult your doctor if you are suffering unpleasant cramps, significant abdominal discomfort, or extended bleeding between periods, as this could be a sign of a more serious problem with women's health.
It describes the women's health before and during pregnancy. They cause more deaths in moms and their new born babies during delivery and minimise sickness. Maternal care is crucial for both mother and child. Hypertension and heart disease are two of these health hazards. The significance of maternal health is to secure the health of the kid, and a healthy child requires a healthy mother. Maternal diseases are exacerbated by the possibility that your child will be born with a chronic disease or birth defect. UNICEF assists local communities in providing information to women and their families about pregnancy difficulties, spacing time, and limiting for nutrition and health, as well as increasing pregnant women's nutritional status to prevent low birth weight. Heart disease and stroke are the leading causes of pregnancy-related fatalities. The majority of pregnancy-related deaths are avoidable.
Women become serious, have a piercing mood, and fall into depression. Helplessness, worthlessness, despair, and hopelessness are some of the feelings that lead to depression in women. Depression is more common in women due to biological and social causes specific to women. Women under the age of 35 and persons with underlying health issues were the most impacted by anxiety disorders. Smaller stressful life events, such as a family tragedy, continuing financial worry, or work stress, can lead to extreme anxiety. Anxiety disorders are more common in those who have other mental problems. Fatigue, restlessness, irritability, tense muscles, agitation, difficulty concentrating, and difficulty sleeping are all symptoms of anxiety disorders.
The term overweight and obesity refers to the body weight greater than weight of normal or healthy for a certain height. People who are suffering from extra fat usually have obesity. Causes of obesity and overweight is energy imbalance between calories consumed and calories expanded. Overweight and obesity can be reduced by making habituate of eating healthier foods and regular physical activity the easiest choice and they can prevent overweight and obesity. The food industry is playing a crucial role in promoting healthy diets by reducing fat, sugar and salt content, restricting marketing of foods high in sugars, salts and fats these foods are especially aimed at children and teenagers, ensuring that healthy and nutritious choices are available. Common health consequences for overweight and obesity are Diabetes, Musculoskeletal disorders. Some cancers like including breast, ovarian, prostate, liver, kidney, gallbladder and endometrial.
In addition to supporting women's reproductive and sexual health throughout their lives, midwifery is a medical health profession that deals with nursing or helping expectant mothers both before and after birth. Another name for it is obstetrics. It involves fewer episiotomies, instrument deliveries, and a decrease in the use of epidurals. Pregnancy-related risks include a higher likelihood of receiving midwife care during labour, a higher likelihood of a spontaneous vaginal birth, a chance of miscarrying the baby before the 24-week mark, and no discernible differences in the risk of miscarrying the baby overall or after 24 weeks.
Good reproductive health should include freedom from risk of sexually transmitted diseases, women have their own right to regulate one’s own fertility with full knowledge of choices, and the ability to control sexuality without being discriminated against the races. Different life stages are associated within the women. In life they undergo certain changes in life menstruation, fertility, pregnancy, sexually transmissible infections, chronic objections, miscarriage and menopause. The health care services that will enable women to go safely through pregnancy and childbirth, and thus provide best health babies for the couple
The two ovaries are positioned on opposite sides of the uterus. The ovaries are responsible for the production and storage of a woman's eggs. Each ovary will be around the size of an almond. During anovulation, the ovary releases an egg. On the other hand, the egg may be treated as human sperm and pregnancy may occur. Ovarian cancer develops ovarian tissues. For the testing process, imagine tests, surgery, and blood tests are used. This ovarian cancer is more common in women over the age of 50, and it is more common in women over the age of 65. Back discomfort in women with ovarian cancer occurs when tumours spread to the belly or pelvis, irritating tissue in the lower back. The female sex organs generate eggs as well as oestrogen and progesterone. Obesity is also a risk factor for ovarian cancer in women.
Adenocarcinoma is the most common kind of lung cancer in women. A persistent new cough or a change in an existing chronic cough. This cough produces blood, and they will have pain in their chest, back, or shoulders, which will be exacerbated by coughing, deep breathing, or laughing. Lung cancer patients can develop pneumonia, which can result in mortality. Dyspnea, discomfort, confusion, and respiratory secretions are common symptoms of lung cancer death. Blood tests do not diagnose lung cancer, and only the doctor can tell the patient about his overall health and how effectively his body organs are working. A full blood count is required to rule out anaemia and low red blood cell counts. Exhaustion, weakness, and a desire to sleep indicate that we are in the final stages of lung cancer, and cancer patients grow considerably weaker and more easily worn out during these final weeks. In the latter stages of cancer, patients may desire to sleep every day and spend the most of their time resting in bed. With lung cancer, we experience symptoms such as coughing up blood or rust-colored sputum.
Cardiovascular disorder (CVD) is the major cause of death and for some chronic disease in women. Women with diabetes and who smoke are more at risk to cardiovascular disorders than men. The major cause of CVD in women is cigarette smoking, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, blood pressure, obesity and changes in lifestyle, metabolic syndrome and poor nutrition. Even though risk factors for CVD are similar in women and men. Obesity and Cardiovascular causes some of the major Diseases. Increase of LDL cholesterol, and total cholesterol and low HDL cholesterol.
Polyps, endometriosis, fibroids, and cancer are some of the conditions that can affect a woman's uterus and cause pain. Uterus pain or discomfort is most commonly felt in the pelvic and lower abdominal region, although it can sometimes move to the mid-abdomen or lower back. The symptoms of numerous uterine disorders are similar and may include irregular menstruation and difficulty getting pregnant. The most well-known disorders that affect the uterus are manageable, but some conditions may persist even after therapy. Uterine malignant growth is not a common type of disease, and it occurs significantly less frequently than more common uterine disorders.
Pregnancy and childbirth are significant events in the lives of women and families, but they also necessitate physical and mental adjustments. It covers a wide range of topics, beginning with pre-pregnancy, prenatal care, birthing, and caring for a newborn infant in the first few weeks of life. Prenatal tests, adequate nutrition, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, genetic consultation, nursing, infant assessment examinations, hospital discharge with the baby, and domestic environment preparation are all part of the pregnancy and birthing process.
This is a disease where bone strength is reduced and increases the risk of bone breakage. It is one of the most ordinary diseases found in women. The bones which are mainly affected include the vertebrae in the spine, the bones of the forearm, and the hip. The normal activities may occur following a broken bone are chronic pain and decreased ability to carry. This may be due to lower or greater than the normal bone loss. The increase in risk of osteoporosis are alcoholism, hyperthyroidism, kidney diseases, anorexia and certain medications increase the rate of boneless including chemotherapy, antiseizure, glucocorticosteroids, pump inhibitors and selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors. Simple methods like a good diet, exercise, avoiding, medications, changes in lifestyle etc. this helps to decrease the bone loss along with hormone replacement therapy (HRT).
In women’s life if menstrual circle permanently stops then it is termed as Menopause stage. It is also named as change of life. There will be no menstrual cycle for 12 consecutive months or for 1 year. At this stage of life end of menstrual cycle is observed. There will be occurrence of some problems related to mental and physical are seen in women like anxiety, night sweats, an increased need to urinate. The menstrual cycle is a combination of several natural changes in hormones and structural changes of the uterus and ovaries of the female reproductive system which helps to make pregnancy possible. The ovarian cycle controls the release of eggs and production on the other hand it control the hormones like estrogen and progesterone.
The tissue that comprises the uterine lining grows outside of the uterine cavity and is known as endometrial. This happens when endometrial tissue grows in the ovaries and intestines. Endometriosis appears as little flat or elevated patches scattered across the vaginal surface. Endometriomas are ovarian endometriosis cysts that are filled with thick brown fluid and are referred to as "chocolate cysts." Minor implants or small wounds arise in stage 1. It develops regularly in the uterus to prepare the womb for anovulation. Glands, blood cells, and connective tissue make up this tissue. They can appear everywhere on the body, but they most commonly appear in the pelvic area. It has the potential to cause weight gain. Furthermore, progesterone causes weight gain in many women. More will be present in stage 2 than in stage 1.
Candida infections are another name for yeast infections. Microbes and yeast cells make up a solid vagina. When the parity of microscopic creatures and yeast alters, yeast cells can replicate. This causes swelling and discomfort. Yeast infections are caused by vulva redness, swelling, or itching. White discharge resembles cottage cheese and is normally odourless; nevertheless, it may smell like yeast and cause pain or burning when peeing or during sex. Older girls are more prone to acquire yeast infections before their periods. Unlike other vaginal infections, yeast infections do not produce vaginal smells. If an odour exists, it is usually light and yeasty. Creams, ointments, pills, and suppositories containing miconazole and terconazole can be used to treat yeast infections.
Women Health Nursing is a process to take care of women by providing utmost care for their health living. A women’s health nurse practitioner (WHNP) is an educated and experienced nurse practitioners. In order to become a WHNP, nurses must first complete an education as a basic registered nurse and go for higher education in order to become a nurse practitioner. A women’s health nurse practitioner plays major role in Diagnosing, treating, and assisting female patients through illnesses.
PCOD and PCOS is a hormonal change arises at the reproductive age in women. PCOD is Polycystic ovarian Disease PCOS is polycystic ovarian syndrome both of these diseases are associated with ovaries PCOS is endocrine system disorder and PCOD is developed by the hormonal imbalance. PCOS is more severe than PCOD In this condition; the ovaries produce a higher quantity of the male hormone and hence results I the increase of enlarged ovaries with small cysts on the outer edges. If PCOS increase in women then it results in decreases the chance of releasing egg.
Pain during labour is different for every woman. Labor pain Varies from pregnancy to pregnancy. Some women might have different experience of labor pain from other women. It resembles menstrual cramps and for some women they might have diarrheal cramps. Birth control pills are safe but usage of combination pill can slightly increase your risk of health problems. These include Heart strokes, Blood pressures, Tumours in liver. Severity might cause death
HIV and HPV are two different infections which are transmitted sexually. These two infections have their own condition. HIV infects the immune system in the body and HPV affects the skin and moist membranes. HPV causes abnormal cell changes in the cervix and HPV leads to AIDS. Women with HIV are at higher risk of also having HPV and cervical cancer. CD4 count, viral load are used to diagnose the HIV Method of Birth control.
Sexually transmitted diseases are infections that humans contract from one another during intercourse. Oral, sodomy, and epithelial ducts could all reveal this. They usually open up with skin-to-skin contact as well. STDs affect both men and women and can have a major negative impact on the unborn child's health. Blood tests, urine tests, and microscopic analysis of a sore or fluid extracted from the penis, anus, or epithelium are used to identify sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). One of the strategies is the physical test. Vaccines against hepatitis B and HPV frequently prevent victimisation. STDs brought on by parasites or microorganisms can be treated with antibiotics. On the other hand, STDs brought on by viruses are incurable. Taking medication can help reduce the likelihood of you spreading the virus.
This occurs mainly in the cells of cervix the lower parts of the uterus that connects to the vagina. The sexually transmitted infection papillomavirus plays a crucial role in cervical cancer. Cervical cancer causes and risk factors that include are smoking, birth control pills, having many sexual partners, engaging in early sexual contract. The symptoms of the cervical cancer are pain during intercourse, vaginal discharge and odor, pelvic pain. This cancer develops when cervix cells begin to grow out of control and these spread throughout the body. This is very slow growing in certain circumstances and it can grow and spread quickly in certain circumstances. HPV is sexually transmitted and this cervical cancer is far most commonly related to HPV disease.
Violence against women is a major issue now- a -days many women and girls are facing this problems all over the universe still the society is controlling this problem but still some people are not taking it as serious issue. Mostly they are physically or sexually abused by a man at some time in their life. Many of young girls are subjected to severe or repeated attacks now -a -days. Prosecution of men who beat or rape women’s or girls is rare then compared to number of assaults. Now -a -days female children are more likely facing sexual violence i.e., raped or sexually abused by their family members. In some countries if a woman is unmarried and she becomes pregnant she may be beaten or murdered by their family members. Even after marriage the woman are facing the violence problems with their husbands in some cases they are forced to rape or kill that women. Some effective interventions to end violence against women and girls are facing challenge attitudes, norms and adolescent behavior.
Women are twice as likely as men to experience depression, and women are generally more susceptible to depression than men are. Contributing factors include reproductive hormones, a uniquely feminine reaction to stress, and societal influences unique to a woman's experiences in life. The most well-known forms of treatment for female depression include medication and counseling. It has also been demonstrated that therapy is a very successful way to manage depression. One well-liked form of psychotherapy, or talk therapy, for treating depression is called cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT).
The loss of a baby before three months of pregnancy is referred to as a "miscarriage". In medical parlance, a spontaneous abortion is also called a miscarriage, even though it isn't regarded as an abortion in the conventional sense. There are circumstances in which a miscarriage cannot be prevented. The majority of miscarriages are caused by unforeseen circumstances. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle both before and throughout pregnancy may help prevent pregnancy. Pregnant women should avoid radiation and high-risk activities, among other precautions, to keep their abdomen safe. Not all miscarriages are caused by genetic issues. If you have experienced a miscarriage, adhere to your physician's advice in order to plan for a subsequent pregnancy and, if at all feasible, try to identify the cause of the loss.