Call for Abstract

15th International Conference on Womens Health and Cancer Cure, will be organized around the theme “”

WOMENS HEALTH MEET 2025 is comprised of keynote and speakers sessions on latest cutting edge research designed to offer comprehensive global discussions that address current issues in WOMENS HEALTH MEET 2025

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Women’s will get serious and they have penetrating mood and goes into depression. Some of the feelings that cause depression in women are helplessness, worthlessness, sadness and hopelessness. Depression can be soft to medium with symptoms of apathy, light appetite, difficulty sleeping. Women are having multiple psychiatric disorders than men. Past emotional abuse can increase the clinical depression later on in our life. Being sad is a reaction to difficult times in life. Depression is more common in women due to certain biological, and social factors that are unique in women. The groups of people were mostly affected by anxiety disorders were women under the age of 35, and people with other health conditions. Buildup of smaller stressful life situations may trigger to excessive anxiety for example a death in the family, ongoing worry about finances or work stress. People with other mental disorders are more prone to anxiety disorders than others.  Anxiety disorders feels like fatigue, restlessness, irritability, tense muscles, agitation, difficulty in concentrating and trouble sleeping.

This occurs mainly in the cells of cervix the lower parts of the uterus that connects to the vagina. The sexually transmitted infection papillomavirus plays a crucial role in cervical cancer.  Cervical cancer causes and risk factors that include are smoking, birth control pills, having many sexual partners, engaging in early sexual contract.  The symptoms of the cervical cancer are pain during intercourse, vaginal discharge and odor, pelvic pain. This cancer develops when cervix cells begin to grow out of control and these spread throughout the body. This is very slow growing in certain circumstances and it can grow and spread quickly in certain circumstances. HPV is sexually transmitted and this cervical cancer is far most commonly related to HPV disease. In all cases of cervical cancer can be attribute to HPV infection. In its early stages it has no symptoms and if you do have symptoms the most common is abnormal vaginal bleeding which can be occurred during sex or after sex or new bleeding after you have been through the menopause.


This is a disease where bone strength is reduced and increases the risk of bone breakage. It is one of the most ordinary diseases found in women.  The bones which are mainly affected include the vertebrae in the spine, the bones of the forearm, and the hip. The normal activities may occur following a broken bone are chronic pain and decreased ability to carry. This may be due to lower or greater than the normal bone loss. The increase in risk of osteoporosis are alcoholism, hyperthyroidism, kidney diseases, anorexia and certain medications increase the rate of boneless including chemotherapy, antiseizure, glucocorticosteroids, pump inhibitors and selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors. Simple methods like a good diet, exercise, avoiding, medications, changes in lifestyle etc. this helps to decrease the bone loss along with hormone replacement therapy (HRT).

Midwifery is a medical health profession and it deals with nursing or assisting pregnant women before and after delivery beside reproductive and sexual health of women throughout their is also known as obstetrics. It includes in reduction of use of epidurals, with fewer episiotomies and instrument births. There are many chances in increasing of being cared in labour by midwife known by the childbearing woman and there is increased chances of having a spontaneous vaginal birth and there is a chance of losing the baby before 24 weeks gestation period and there appears to be no differences in the risk of losing the baby after 24 weeks or overall. The duties and responsibilities of a midwife include examining and monitoring pregnant women, carrying out screening tests, undertaking antenatal care in hospitals, homes and GP practices.  The important skill a midwife need is good people skills. It means having the ability to interact and communicate with people in different situations. It deals with patients, family members and other medical professionals. The major difference between doctor and midwives is while midwives will handle women who are having uncomplicated, normal and low risk pregnancy and doctors will handle complicated cases.


There are many life stages that are associated in women’s sexual and reproductive health issues including menstruation, fertility, cervical screening, contraception, pregnancy, sexually transmissible infections, chronic health problems and menopause. Technically women get pregnant and bear children from puberty when they start getting their menstrual period to menopause and when they stop getting it. The woman’s reproductive years are between ages 12 and 51.That time is more unique for each woman. This reproductive health is a state of physical, mental and social well -being in the absence of disease or infirmity. Examples of reproductive health are domestic violence, sexual abuse and genital mutilation. These all involve in the production and transportation of gametes and sex hormones. The main objective of the sexual reproductive health program in enhancing the knowledge, skill and attitude of youth and adolescents. By eating foods which are having rich in antioxidants, avoid trans- fat, eat less refined carbs, swap protein sources these natural foods can improve your health.

The most usual cause of heart disease in women is narrowing or blockage of the coronary arteries so that the blood vessels supply blood to heart itself. This is called as coronary artery disease. This is the main reason people are getting heart attacks. Electrocardiogram (ECG) is main instrument that tests the heart disease in women. This ECG records electrical signals and can help your doctor to detect irregularities in your heart’s rhythm. Mild heart failure disease will have mainly only for adults. It develops over several years and gradually loses its ability to pump blood efficiently through the body. The loss in Pumping action is a symptom of a problem like hardening of arteries, high blood pressure or damaged heart muscle. This cardiovascular disease mainly causes the leading death in women. This disease has been slowly increasing in woman. Coronary artery disease can be defined as vascular disease limited to the epicardial coronary arteries.  These differences results in variations in prevalence and presentation of cardiovascular conditions.


Most ordinary type of lung cancer in women is adenocarcinoma.  A new cough that is tenacious or change in an existing chronic cough. This cough produces blood and they will be having pain in the chest, back or shoulders that exacerbate during coughing deep breathing or laughing. Lung Cancer patient can cause pneumonia it may lead to the immediate cause of death. Symptoms that are common to die towards the lung cancer include dyspnea, pain, delirium and respiratory secretions. Blood tests do not determine lung cancer, and just the doctor provides information to the patient about his overall health and how well the body organs are functioning. A complete blood count is in order to check for Anaemia and a low number of red blood cells. Exhaustion, weakness and desire to sleep shows that we are at the last stage of the lung cancer and the cancer patients becomes much weaker and easily worn out during these last weeks. At last stage of the cancer they may want to sleep daily and spend most of their time by lying on the bed. We feel ill with lung cancer like coughing up blood or rust colored sputum.

This is a symptoms caused to a woman by irregular or no menstrual periods, acne, obesity and excess hair growth and difficulty in getting pregnant and patches of thick, darker, velvety skin. Women who is having PCOS do not ovulate and they do not release an egg every month and they were in significantly higher risk for high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease and cancer of the uterus. This PCOS risk can be reversed by exercise and weight loss. Treatment can involve lifestyle changes such as weight loss and exercises. Women’s who are having PCOS can have prolonged menstrual periods or excess male hormone levels. The ovaries can develop small collections of fluids and they will fail to release regular eggs monthly. This PCOS is also known as Stein Leventhal Syndrome. Now –a-days 80% women are suffering with this PCOS problem and this PCOS grow a number of cysts, or fluid-filled sacs on their ovaries. The cysts are not harmful, but they may lead to imbalance in hormone levels.

The term overweight and obesity refers to the body weight greater than weight of normal or healthy for a certain height. This overweight is generally due to extra fat in our body. People who are suffering from extra fat usually have obesity. Causes of obesity and overweight is energy imbalance between calories consumed and calories expanded. Some of the causes like increased take of energy dense foods that are high in fat and increase in physical inactivity due to the increasingly sedentary nature. Overweight and obesity can be reduced by making habituate of eating healthier foods and regular physical activity the easiest choice and they can prevent overweight and obesity. The food industry is playing a crucial role in promoting healthy diets by reducing fat, sugar and salt content, restricting marketing of foods high in sugars, salts and fats these foods are especially aimed at children and teenagers, ensuring that healthy and nutritious choices are available. Common health consequences for overweight and obesity are Diabetes, Musculoskeletal disorders. Some cancers like including breast, ovarian, prostate, liver, kidney, gallbladder and endometrial.

Most of the women’s are facing this gynecological problem now -a -days and this problem has a burning sensation during urination painful between menstrual cycles. Most of the women’s won’t get menstrual cycle every month. Due to this most of the women are getting problems during pregnancy. So every female whenever she turns 18 years old or when they start being sexually active then she must consult to doctor once in a year for her checkup. If a female is getting severe abdominal pain, painful cramps or heavy bleeding during periods. It mainly deals with obstetrics, pregnancy and childbirth. Consult your doctor if you are experiencing painful cramps, severe abdominal pain and prolonged bleeding between periods and it would be more serious to women’s health issue.

The two ovaries are located one on each side of uterus. The ovaries produce and store woman’s eggs. Each ovary will be in the size of an almond. During anovulation ovary discharges an egg. On another chance the egg is treated as a human sperm and pregnancy can happen. The ovarian cancer forms tissues of an ovary. Imagine tests, Surgery and Blood tests are used for testing process. This ovarian cancer mostly occurs in women over the age of 50 it have a higher risk and this cancer mainly occurs over 65 years. Women with ovarian cancer experiences back pain when the tumors spread in the abdomen or pelvis and that irritates tissue in the lower back. The female sex organs produce eggs and make the estrogen and progesterone. Obesity is also risk for ovarian cancer if a woman is with heavy weight it may become risk for ovarian cancer. There are some signs of ovarian cancer. They are


In women’s life if menstrual circle permanently stops then it is also called as the change of life. It is defined as where there is no menstrual cycle for 12 consecutive months. It is the stage of life that follows the end of menstrual cycle. Some common symptoms like depression, anxiety and low mood. Some sleep problems like anxiety, night sweats, an increased need to urinate. It is a triggered by hysterectomy or surgical removal of ovaries, which produce hormones. A woman who doesn’t want to get pregnant should continue to use birth control for one year after her last period. This menopausal transition often begins between the age of 45 and 55. It lasts about 7 years but it can last as long as 14 years. There are three stages in this menopause they are perimenopause, menopause, post menopause. There are physical changes in the menopause are:

  • Weight gain
  • Urinary incontinence
  • Breast reduction and tenderness
  • Changes in hair color, texture and volume



The common way that women get HIV is through sex with a male partner. Several factors may increase the risk of HIV Infection in women. For an example if without a condom he do sex it passes very quickly from male to women. Kaposi Sarcoma is an infection mostly seen in AIDS people because of the immune system has been weakened. This Kaposi Sarcoma  has become most reported cancer in some countries. It appears first on the legs and feet and later on goes to the mouth and gastrointestinal tract. It progresses very slow for many years and that person may lead to death. This Kaposi Sarcoma is transmitted through sexual contact and mainly from saliva it is quickly transmitted to children residing in endemic areas. There are some signs and symptoms of HIV and AIDS are Recurring fever, chronic diarrhea and Skin rashes or bumps.

It refers to a malignant tumors which has been developed from cells in the breast. Usually this breast cancer begins the cells of the lobules. It passes the drain milk from the lobules to the nipple. Lumps associated with breast cancers are painless, and some cause a prickly sensation. The left breast is more likely to develop cancer rather than the right breast. During periods various hormones cause change in breast tissue and it may lead to pain or discomfort in some women. This breast cancer is most widely recognized obtrusive cancer in ladies. After lung cancer this is the fundamental driver of cancer passing in ladies. Indicate a knot or thickening of breast and changes to the skin or areola.  The hazard elements can be hereditary and there are some way of life factors like liquor consumption is bound to occur. A scope medicine is accessible including radiation treatment and chemotherapy. Many breast protuberances are not cancerous and if any lady who is worried a change then she should consult to a specialist. 

It refers to the health of women before and during pregnancy. During delivery they are more causing death in mothers and their newborn babies and reduce illness. Maternal care is mostly important to mother and child. These health risks include hypertension and heart disease. The importance of maternal health is to ensure the health of child and mainly the healthy child needs healthy mother. Maternal Diseases are increased by a chance that your baby will born with a chronic disease or birth defect. UNICEF helps local communities to provide information for women  and their families on signs of pregnancy complications on spacing time and limiting for nutrition and health and it helps in improving the nutritional status of pregnant women to prevent low birth weight. The causes of pregnancy related deaths are heart disease and stroke. Most of the pregnancy related deaths can be prevented.

These are also known as sexually transmitted diseases (STD) or venereal disease (VD). Some STD’s can be spread through unsterilized drug needles from mother to infant during breast feeding or child birth and blood transfusions. These STD’s mostly transmit through mucous membranes of the genitals. Some infections can transmit through sexual contract but they are not classified as STD’s. Meningitis can be passed through sexual contract. STD rates among seniors are increasing. Garlic kills some bacteria, but not the bacteria that cause chlamydia. This garlic has proven antifungal properties and has shown to fight the growth of yeast infection which makes it beneficial during antibiotic treatment for chlamydia. The strongest natural antibiotic is oregano oil it is one of the most powerful antibacterial essential oils and it contains carvacrol and thymol. 

These non-communicable diseases are increasing now- a -days all over the world because of unhealthy diet and harmful use of alcohol. This won’t effect from effected person to others but these are caused due to direct result of lifestyle and environmental factors. This includes a host of different diseases like chronic lung diseases, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases and cancer. We can prevent non-communicable diseases by reducing harmful use of alcohol, tobacco use, salt intake and prevalence of physical activity. Risk factors of non-communicable devices like blood pressure, unhealthy food diet, inactivity, overweight and obesity. 

Violence against women is a major issue now- a -days many women and girls are facing this problems all over the universe still the society is controlling this problem but still some people are not taking it as serious issue. Mostly they are physically or sexually abused by a man at some time in their life. Many of young girls are subjected to severe or repeated attacks now -a -days. Prosecution of men who beat or rape women’s or girls is rare then compared to number of assaults. Now -a -days female children are more likely facing sexual violence i.e., raped or sexually abused by their family members. In some countries if a woman is unmarried and she becomes pregnant she may be beaten or murdered by their family members. Even after marriage the woman are facing the violence problems with their husbands in some cases they are forced to rape or kill that women. Some effective interventions to end violence against women and girls are facing challenge attitudes, norms and adolescent behavior.